BBA 2019


General Terms.

  • Charyut - Attention Position. Legs together, Hands by your side, Eyes forward.
  • Kyunye - Bow. Bend at the waist, Eyes forward, Hands do not move.
  • Sho - Relaxed Position. Feet shoulder Width, Hands behind back belt level, Eyes forward.
  • Jhoon-bi - Ready Position. Hands by your chin, Feet in 'L' shape, Body sideways.

White Belt

Front Hand - Hand closest to the target. Back Hand - Hand further away from the target.
Front Leg - Foot closest to the target. Toes point forward in Jhoon-bi Position.
Back Leg - Foot further away from the target. Toes point to the side in Jhoon-bi Position.
Pivot For Punches - Turning the back foot so the heel comes off the ground.
For Kicks - Support leg's toes point away from target.
Front Punch - Punch with the Front Hand.
Back Punch - Punch with the Back Hand. Has a Pivot.
Front Kick - Vertical snapping kick hitting with the top of the foot.
Side Kick - Thrusting kick hitting with the heel. Has a Pivot. Kick must be held out for count of 3.
Round Kick - Horizontal snapping kick hitting with the top of the foot. Has a Pivot.

Gold Belt

Ridge Hand - Open hand strike hitting with the inside ridge of the hand.
Step Through - Stepping with the back foot placing it in front.
Foot-to-Foot - Step bringing the feet together then stepping with the foot not yet moved.

Green Belt

Reverse - Kicking with the back leg. Set the front foot in a pivot then turn over your back shoulder.
Front Stance - Feet in a wide stance, shoulders squared towards the target. All toes pointing forward, front knee bent, back knee straight.
Back Stance - Feet in a narrow stance, Body sideways towards the target. Toes in an 'L' shape, weight on the back leg.
Down Block - Block with the Front Hand. Blocking hand folds on top behind the ear, swings diagonally downwards.
Middle Block - Block with the Front Hand. Blocking hand folds under on the belt, swings diagonally upwards.

Purple Belt

Lunge Punch - Step Through punch with the Back Hand.
Hook Kick - Sweeping kick hitting with the bottom of the foot. Begins in Side Kick Position and ends in Round Kick Position.
Backfist - Front Hand strike hitting with the back surface of the fist. Hand is vertical.
Outer Block - Block with the Front Hand. Blocking hand folds on top behind the ear, swings horizontally across the body.
Rising Block - Block with the Front Hand. Blocking hand folds down below the belt, swings vertically up over the head.

Blue Belt

Crescent Kick - Arcing kick hitting with the side of the foot. Toes point upwards.
Tornado Kick - Jumping Kick. Begin like a Reverse Front Kick, Jump switch kick with the back leg.
Down Chop - Block with the Front Hand. Blocking hand folds on top behind the ear, swings downwards with an open hand.

Red Belt

High-Rise Chop - Chop to the neck with the Back Hand while the Front Hand blocks over the head.
Jump 360 - Spinning Jump rotating a full 360 degrees. The front foot lands in front.
Hook-Round-Side Kick - Triple kick demonstrating a Hook Kick, Round Kick, and Side Kick without setting the foot down.

Brown Belt

Palm Heel Strike - Hand strike hitting with the bottom of your palm.
Kneeling Vertical Punch - Back Punch while kneeling and blocking over the head with your front hand. Punching hand is vertical.
Short Punch - Back Punch in a Back Stance. Do not pivot.


$40 for 2 Weeks of Classes